Matthew Camp will fight on despite his terrifying homophobic arson attack

Matthew Camp wears full stylist's own outfit. (Image: Taylor Miller)

Matthew Camp wears full stylist's own outfit. (Image: Taylor Miller)


The Hot Haus star discusses fighting back against anti-LGBTQ hate.

Attitude’s next cover star, Matthew Camp, has recounted the terrifying moment he realised he was the victim of a homophobic arson attack.

Appearing on the cover of the May/June issue  of  Attitude, the Hot Haus star said the incident was a stark reminder of the intolerance the LGBTQ community continues to face.

In the early hours of 14 January 2021, gasoline was poured over Camp’s front and back door and set it alight.

“I woke up, I heard a loud explosion and it was pitch-black,” Camp told Attitude.


“The house was filling up with smoke so fast”

“I look outside and I see flames creeping up the porch. The doorbell was going off constantly as the fire triggered the electrical circuit. The house was filling up with smoke so fast.”


Matthew Camp for Attitude (Image: Taylor Miller)

Matthew Camp for Attitude (Image: Taylor Miller)

Speaking to Attitude at the time Matthew said he and a friend escaped the fire in Poughkeepsie with “seconds to spare.”

While he was fortunate enough to escape, the incident has understandably had a permanent impact on Camp.

Perhaps just as horrifying was the treatment Camp experienced next. After losing his home and everything he then owned Camp is yet to hear of anything of note from authorities.

‘Queer people all over and non-conforming individuals in the community — are always under attack”
The attacker was caught on CCTV – albeit with a hood and a scarf. A tone-deaf police statement at the time indicated the motive was unknown. The New York Times in their reporting of the incident focused on the history of Camp’s home, which used to be a meeting spot for the Church of Satan.

Through all this Camp has not been deterred from defending and fighting for the LGBTQ community.

“Anyone that’s different — LGBTQIA+, queer people all over and non-conforming individuals in the community — are always under attack because we are a smaller population, but I also don’t want to completely divide us and say it’s just us because there’s lots of people under attack.“

“It’s just not OK. You can’t be doing that stuff.”


Matthew Camp wears full stylist’s own outfit. (Image: Taylor Miller)

Matthew Camp wears full stylist’s own outfit. (Image: Taylor Miller)

“They don’t want you to know what they’re really doing”
Attacks against the LGBTQ community are becoming increasingly frequent. Whether it be a violent assault, a protest against a Drag Queen Story Hour, or yet another piece of backward legislation pushed through by often hypocritical lawmakers, there is a worrying rise in anti-LGBTQ sentiment in the world.

Commenting on a recent drag show ban in Tennessee Camp then said these are distractions from the real issues.

“People are really spending a lot of time and attention on these drag bills and these queer bills, because they don’t want you to know what they’re really doing, which is consolidating power, deregulating safety protocols, it really is the oldest trick in the book.

“Any sort of economic system that is starting to waver, they always find a scapegoat.”



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